The Young Carers Team

Young Carers at Rabbsfarm
At Rabbsfarm, we recognise that children have challenges outside of school which can have an effect on their ability to focus and be at their best. One particular challenge may be the role of a ‘Young Carer’.
What is a Young Carer?
A Young Carer is someone aged 18 or under who helps look after a relative that has a disability, illness, mental health condition, or a drug or alcohol problem. Most young carers look after one of their parents or a brother or sister.
What things might a Young Carer do for their family?
Young Carers get involved with a variety of tasks that are needed for the family, these may include:
- Household chores – Washing Up / Cleaning / Laundry
- Cooking
- Giving medicines
- Shopping
- Helping someone communicate.
- Helping someone with self-care – Dressing/Washing.
- Emotional Support
What we offer
How we support Young Carers
We can help Young Carers call home during break / lunch if they are worried about someone at home. We can offer extra help or time to complete homework, a listening ear or just letting them know that we understand.
How can I contact the School to arrange help?
If you feel that your child would benefit from accessing this support at school, or you just want to let us know their circumstances so that we can be sensitive to their needs, please let the school know by dropping a note into the office for the attention of 'Young Carers' or email us at:
Our promise
The whole school is committed to meeting the needs of young carers, so that they can attend and enjoy school in the same way as other pupils and achieve their full potential.
The school only shares information with professionals and agencies on a need to know basis, in order to support pupils and their families.