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Rabbsfarm Primary School

Rabbsfarm Primary School

Gordon Road
West Drayton

Tel: 01895 444971
Email: office@rabbsfarm.hillingdon.sch.uk

Headteacher: Helen Okoro
Chair of Governors: Denise Gray 
Clerk to the Governors: Denise Maloney 

All contactable via the school email address: office@rabbsfarm.hillingdon.sch.uk


Please contact the school office with any general enquiries or if you would like a paper copy of any of the information found on our website. 

Telephone: 01895 444971 or email: office@rabbsfarm.hillingdon.sch.uk


Assistant Head for Inclusion and SENCo: Mrs Daly

Senior Assistant SENCo: Mrs Husbands

Assistant SENCo: Mrs Stevens

Inclusion Governor: Mrs Slade

If you would like to contact a member of the SEND team, please email office@rabbsfarm.hillingdon.sch.uk who will forward your email to the relevant team member.

Safeguarding Team

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Daly

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Husbands

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Helen Okoro

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Sexton  

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Miss Lane  

Designated Safeguarding Governor: Ms Gray

If you would like to contact a member of the safeguarding team, please email office@rabbsfarm.hillingdon.sch.uk who will forward your email to the relevant member of the Safeguarding Team.


Please call our main office number 01895 444971 or email us at 

absences@rabbsfarm.hillingdon.sch.uk if your child is absent from school for any reason.

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